Refinishing Your Front Door

Your front door gets a lot of use, so it may be time to refinish it. You can read about your options here.

4 Home Improvement Projects Worth Investing In

9 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When making home improvements, most homeowners want to maximize their dollars by choosing projects that offer the best bang for their bucks. Choosing projects with a high rate of return can help increase home values and minimize the actual overall cost of making the improvement. If you're planning on doing home improvements soon and want the best value, consider doing the following: Upgrade Your Front Door Many people don't think about their front door when considering home improvements, but replacing your current front door with a new steel entry door has an excellent rate of return, which makes it a sound home improvement investment. Read More …

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Refinishing Your Front Door

After taking a good, hard look at the front of our house, I realized that I really wanted to take a little time to refinish our front door. It was weathered and unsightly, and I wanted to update it with a new coat of stain. However, I wasn't sure how much time or effort it would take, so I decided to take things slow and hire a carpenter to come and help me. He was incredibly helpful, and it didn't take long to completely overhaul the front door. By the time we were finished, the front door looked amazing, and I was really impressed with the outcome. This blog is all about refinishing your front door.